I'm officially in the final stretch with my current company. Emotionaly it feels great!
Unfortunately there's one slight hitch- I've developed pink eye!
The daughter had it first, passing it onto the wife, and I thought I had somehow managed to escape, until I woke up this morning unable to open my left eye (from all that crusty goodness that forms while you sleep).
The silver lining to this story is that I should be back to normal by Monday, when I start my new job!
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Sunday, March 2, 2008
One of those little stories that slips through the cracks...
I've been a big fan of "FARK" and "The Small Print" in Metropolis for a while now. Here's one for their archieves if they haven't reported already.
Original Japanese article below. Here's the gist of the topline story in bobspeak:
A man was arrested on Feb. 24th for "Driving under the influence" WHILE AT THE LOCAL DMV. The cops tried to flag him down at an intersection nearby, but the suspect ignored the cop and went into the DMV, explaining that he was going to RENEW HIS TRUCK DRIVERS LICENSE (which was too soon to do under Japanese traffic law). His BAC was 0.2mg/L (with 0 tolerance in Japan) and was holding a 500ml beer. Alcohol was registered on the other passengers, his wife an cousin (which, is bad in and of its self, since Japanese law considers it to be a crime to be in the car of a drunk driver(here here!!!!)
This is why we need to have the TV show COPS come to Japan. If nothing more than the comical value... "Yah I'm drunk, but I'm about to renew my trucker's license so leave me alone..." that's both too funny and too sad at the same time.
I'll be the first to admit, I love beer and drink a lot of it, when I'm not behind the wheel. But seriously, if you drive drunk, you're a F***ing moron...
Praying to anyone that thinks differently to "Please don't run into me and kill me or my family"
Bob S.
Here's the original Japanese
福岡南署は24日、運転免許試験場にビールを飲みながら車を運転して来たとして、道交法違反(酒気帯び運転)の現行犯として、福岡市東区城浜団地、運転手谷田茂男容疑者(55)を逮捕した。 調べでは、谷田容疑者は同日午後1時前、同市南区花畑4丁目の福岡自動車運転免許試験場で酒気帯び状態で軽乗用車を運転した疑い。容疑を認めているという。 谷田容疑者が缶ビール(500ミリリットル)を飲みながら運転しているのを、交通整理のため近くの交差点にいた同署員が目撃。別の署員が制止したが、谷田容疑者は無視して試験場に入り、駐車場で止まったという。呼気1リットル当たり0.2ミリグラムのアルコール分が検出された。谷田容疑者はこの日、大型2種の免許更新に来たが、更新できる期間(誕生日の前後1カ月)より前だったという。 同乗の妻(53)といとこの男性(48)の呼気からもアルコール分が検出されており、同署は妻といとこを同法違反(酒気帯び運転同乗)の疑いで調べる。=2008/02/25付 西日本新聞朝刊=
Original Japanese article below. Here's the gist of the topline story in bobspeak:
A man was arrested on Feb. 24th for "Driving under the influence" WHILE AT THE LOCAL DMV. The cops tried to flag him down at an intersection nearby, but the suspect ignored the cop and went into the DMV, explaining that he was going to RENEW HIS TRUCK DRIVERS LICENSE (which was too soon to do under Japanese traffic law). His BAC was 0.2mg/L (with 0 tolerance in Japan) and was holding a 500ml beer. Alcohol was registered on the other passengers, his wife an cousin (which, is bad in and of its self, since Japanese law considers it to be a crime to be in the car of a drunk driver(here here!!!!)
This is why we need to have the TV show COPS come to Japan. If nothing more than the comical value... "Yah I'm drunk, but I'm about to renew my trucker's license so leave me alone..." that's both too funny and too sad at the same time.
I'll be the first to admit, I love beer and drink a lot of it, when I'm not behind the wheel. But seriously, if you drive drunk, you're a F***ing moron...
Praying to anyone that thinks differently to "Please don't run into me and kill me or my family"
Bob S.
Here's the original Japanese
福岡南署は24日、運転免許試験場にビールを飲みながら車を運転して来たとして、道交法違反(酒気帯び運転)の現行犯として、福岡市東区城浜団地、運転手谷田茂男容疑者(55)を逮捕した。 調べでは、谷田容疑者は同日午後1時前、同市南区花畑4丁目の福岡自動車運転免許試験場で酒気帯び状態で軽乗用車を運転した疑い。容疑を認めているという。 谷田容疑者が缶ビール(500ミリリットル)を飲みながら運転しているのを、交通整理のため近くの交差点にいた同署員が目撃。別の署員が制止したが、谷田容疑者は無視して試験場に入り、駐車場で止まったという。呼気1リットル当たり0.2ミリグラムのアルコール分が検出された。谷田容疑者はこの日、大型2種の免許更新に来たが、更新できる期間(誕生日の前後1カ月)より前だったという。 同乗の妻(53)といとこの男性(48)の呼気からもアルコール分が検出されており、同署は妻といとこを同法違反(酒気帯び運転同乗)の疑いで調べる。=2008/02/25付 西日本新聞朝刊=
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